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Trick or Treat Safety

What day this year does your area have kids trick or treating?

Last night we went out, but there wasn't a consensus on what night our area was going out so it was a 50/50 proposition. Many surrounding communities are large enough for their folks to definitively set a night and get it publicized.

Don't forget Safety!

Halloween, the children's night for Trick or Treats . . . Ghosts and Goblins . . . Haunts and Horrors. Unfortunately, some of the horrors are all too real! Every year, on Halloween, many children suffer from auto accidents, fire injuries, falls, cuts, bruises or poisoned treats. Be aware and be informed so your children can have a safe, enjoyable Halloween. Supervise your children's evening, and stay in neighborhoods that are well-lit and familiar.

Clicking on this image will download a PDF safety checklist. For those that are going out tonight please download and follow this advice.